Monday, April 26, 2010

Plant Medicine Monday

Today's "Plant Medicine Monday" blog post is about nourishing herbal infusions. Many people drink herbal beverage teas all the infusion is taking it a step further. Infusions are such a wonderful way to nourish our bodies with extra vitamins and minerals in the spring time! Here is my favorite method for preparing a nourishing herbal infusion:
1)Choose the herb/herbs you want. There are many to choose from, and with this method I prefer nourishing, tonic are a few to try: Nettles - (fresh or dried) the ultimate whole-body tonic, good for practically every body system, excellent source of minerals and vitamins, readily absorbed by the body, wonderful kidney and adrenal tonic (we'll talk more about nettles in a future post) Oatstraw - (dried) for vitality, nerve and cardio tonic, great for dealing with stress/depression/chemical withdrawals, sexual vitality, endocrine system tonic, easily digested source of calcium Lemon Balm - (fresh is best) amazing nervous system herb, relieves stress and anxiety, relaxing effect of stomach, very pleasant tasting Red Raspberry - (leaves - fresh or dried) highly nourishing reproductive tonic, very rich in iron so great for energy, wonderful during pregnancy (and for fertility) Red Clover - (flowering tops and leaves - fresh or dried) rich in minerals (especially calcium, and iron), excellent blood purifier, detoxification herb, respiratory tonic, wonderful fertility herb for women Not every herb is gentle enough for an everyday nourishing brew, so check with an herbalist if you're not sure! 2) Put some water on to boil 3) Put a handful (the amount can vary by specific herb and parts used) of your herb of choice in a quart size mason jar and pour the boiling water over. Close the jar with a lid and let steep for desired time...the recommended time is around 4 hours, though if I'm rushed I might only steep it 20 minutes. Often I make it at night and let it steep while I'm sleeping. This way I just strain it in the morning and enjoy it throughout the day. Longer steeping extracts more healing constituents from the plants, and steeping in a closed jar keeps the water-soluble vitamins in.
4) When you're ready, strain out the herbs and your infusion is ready! Add sweetener if you like (I often like honey) and enjoy! Sometimes I like my infusions warm, and in the summer usually iced. A standard dose is about 2-3 cups per day, so a quart will usually last a couple of days. Keep it refrigerated!
**This blog is intended to provide educational information only and is not intended to substitute for the advice of a health care professional. All readers accept complete responsibility for their own health and well-being. The author is not responsible for any health care choices and decisions made by any individual.



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